Saturday, June 28, 2008

save us from the ignoramous

I'm concerned you know, I think Port Macquarie must have bread a large population of ignoramus, these creatures are humanoid in looks but cannot possibly be sentient beings as the phrase “I think there for I am” cannot apply, they fail to be self aware. They have no concept of there surroundings, how to behave or even if they should be where they are at the time. The ignoramus really should be kept away from alcohol, drugs and at all cost stopped from procreation.

Been to see Steady Eddy

Well that was a good evening, the company i work for just had a staff outing! What a great idea, we all went to Steady Eddy! It was a great evening, some of the jokes were really really hilarious, actually most of them were. Steady Eddy had to put up with some bone head hecklers but as he said “the guy with the microphone always wins” but it was hilarious when he told the guy at the front he wanted a blueprint of his brain because he was building an F—kwitt of his own at home.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Well many people wonder why i am such a fan of the Aardvark, not entirely sure myself. All I know is that its rather like the platypus an animal that was assembled from odds and ends. To which I spose I sympathize because I am sure I was too. If I had to be a fan of an Australian animal it would be the wombat, partly for its bloody mindedness and its ability to be the bulldozer of the bush. It won;t go around just through. The Aarkvark has the same tendencies.

I got one

Well I finally did it!!! I've gone mad. I now have a Dr Who Sonic Screw Driver, mind you I never thought I would find so many uses for an ultraviolet light that makes a squealing noise... came in handy today as I was looking for a break in a cable in a poker machine and normal light didn't show it up!!! But the sonic screw driver did, mind you got some weird looks from of the customers but its all in a days work!!!!!

Looking like Michael Jackson

Well its fun tonight, its been a bloody cold couple of days and my hand has been telling me its cold. I don't think anyone has any idea how bad this gets at times, but I held it bay by wearing my glove. So I looked like michael Jackson for a couple of days but ya gotta do these things.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

kehbabs and vampires

Well its saturday night and we start off the night with the usual crowd rolling in, a bunch of scarey women and their Neanderthal partners. I mean you have definitive proof man sprung from apes, just some of this bunch didn't spring far enough. Then there is the girl who rocks up smelling of god knows what, apparently has eaten a kehbab with all trimming that would keep a flock of vampires from attacking. Gotta love the garlic and asparagus!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

can't pick them

All I can say is that people are interesting at times, I work in one of Port Macquarie's premier night spots, a club where heaps of different people come from different age groups. Its lots of fun working here because there is never a dull moment. The biggest problem i have is when I haven't had enough sleep, as long as I can get home from my day job by about 5.30pm to be asleep by 6pm i can get 4 hours in I'm fine.

One of the interesting things i find about working here is the music selection, you'd expect the over 35's to be asking for the older songs but just then an 18 year old wandered up to the dj box and asked for bad moon rising by Creedence Clear Water Revival. See what i mean!

curve balls and life

Life throws curve balls at you all the time, and with me they seem to be coming from all angles. I've been considering where i am going in this world for sometime and I just don't know. I love radio work its the anonymity of it. I mean nothing beats being hidden away in a studio, no body to worry you and your only contact with the outside world is the telephone, internet and sms.

I like working with people, sometimes people say that i can communicate technical babble in plain english, not sure how i do that. As you can probably see from my typing here today i tend to be a little dyslexic cause i tend to drop works and characters. Brain tells me I have typed them but they just don't appear on the screen, i have to proof read a letter several times before my brain says “um you need to fix the third word in the second paragraph” or something like that. I suppose if I am aware of my limitations I can keep and eye out for it.