Saturday, July 12, 2008


I appoligise to those who may think I have been abducted by aliens, whilst I am sure my mind left for a far away galaxy some time ago it appears I am still here at least in body. Just been working myself into a sleep deprived stupor. Eventually the straws will come out and this camel will have to take a rest, my fear is that it fast approaches. Don't think anything has gone right today and really i have had the week from hell. Somehow my work vehicle got water in the petrol tank, thanks to one of the caltex service stations in port. Could only have been those guys cause work has a caltex charge card and guess what they are the only two in port....

tonight I'm having more fun than someone who has just caught a reproductive appendage in a car door, plighting headache, massively sore hand as the crps is mucking up and to make matters worse I think one of my tablets is not being absorbed correctly as this explains the headache and irritability. I'm not handling idiots well tonight it would seem. Which is wonderful cause the club i work at would seem to be full of gronks, bogans, throwbacks, Neanderthals and lesser advanced protozoa.

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